Lade Events
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3 Jahre Opak

2. April 2022 · ab 23:00

Line-Up: Amygdala, Audioguide, Unknown Citizen

Three years OPAK!
Starting 23.00 with
-> Amygdala
followed by
-> Audioguide
shut down by
-> Unknown Citizen

What can we write that has not already been written?
The rave has and always shall be political – we have decided, that we want to pay our dues as a label run in Swissneyland:
1. The entrancefee will go up from the usual 15.- to 17.-, the two extra bucks will be donated, Opak will match the donations – 300 paying attendees – 600.- from us. If you can and want, donate more!
2. We’ll be selling the Opak Shirts at the door, they’ll sell for 25.-, all of which will go into donations

Again we’ll be serving a 4.2 kv2 soundsystem (it blasts, for those who don’t know)!
thanks for joining the fun and beeing the best crowd!
love, OPAK


Amboss Rampe
Zollstrasse 80
Zürich, 8005 Schweiz
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