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7. Juni 2024 · ab 22:00
Join us for the third Interlude party on Friday, June 7th, starting at 22:00. With an eclectic record collection that spans across many different genres and styles, Dragos Ilici invites us into a musical universe defined by openness, curiosity, and improvisation. He is not afraid to experiment and takes risks in order to keep things interesting, while always adapting to the context he performs in.
Opening the set, Gene, an Italian DJ currently based in Zurich, will present his emotionally charged selection. To close this Interlude night, Francesco Desan (member of Desuba) and Serenne will offer a collaborative set to end the night.
Come early at 19:00 if you want to join Preludio (free entrance until 22:00), where you’ll be entertained with a selection of wines and charcuterie boards, accompanied by ambient music carefully curated for your listening pleasure.
This Interlude night will also feature visuals inspired by the esoteric and surreal scenes captured by director Kenneth Anger in the mid-20th century. These striking images will perfectly blend with Dragos Ilici’s music, creating an unforgettable experience you won’t want to miss!
Ab 20 Jahren
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