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Next Station Provitreff
19. Januar 2024 · ab 23:00
Our first rave of the year will be in our homebase right in the heart of zurich.
We will start our journey with our first stop:
As we have done before we will be hosting the event at the beloved Provitreff wich is about 15 min from Zürich HB.
We hope to see you dance to our all local disk jockeys wich will enchant you with their hard kicks and heavy bass
At our events we expect:
No hate, no violence, no racism, no sexism, no homo- and transphobia
Doors: 23:00 – 05:00
Lineup A-Z:
adwdsdat ( fluggelaende )
exgüsi ( Kapputt mit Stil )
src – code ( steini kollektiv )
See you at the next station: Roti fabrik