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Rampue ᴸᴵᵛᴱ
Line-Up: Rampue (live), Stiglitz, Akra Ondo
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Techno, der auf die Sonne reagiert, wie das Meer auf den Mond, House der von Pop inhaliert wird und sich als Schlepp-Bass-Gewitter auf den Dancefloor legt. Damit war Rampue nicht nur einer der ersten dieses internationalen Hype-Sounds, sondern blieb auch einer der besten.
In den letzten Jahren spielte er Rund um den Globus und schaffte es ohne Promo zig tausende Freunde und Fans in allen Winkeln des Planeten zu gewinnen. Fusion Festival, Burning Man, Beirut, Istanbul, Kiew: So zieht Rampue seine Bahnen nicht von Disko zu Disko, sondern von Kontinent zu Kontinent und hinterlässt dort eine Spur der Liebe.
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C O V I D 19 – R U L E S
According to the regulations by the Swiss government (in effect since the the 26th of June, 2021) entry to this event is restricted.
Entering is only possible with a valid certificate and a proof of identity.
To obtain such a certificate you need to be either vaccinated, tested or have recovered from COVID-19 in the past. Tests need to be be performed officially at a testing site, hospital or pharmacy, which hand out certificates with QR-code.
Certificates will be handed out if:
➤ You tested negative for COVID-19 (PCR = 72 hours valid, Rapid-Antigen Test = 48 hours valid).
➤ You have been vaccinated twice (you will get the certificate after your second/final dose).
➤ You have recovered from a COVID-19 infection in the past (needs to be confirmed by a doctor).
After obtaining a valid certificate please:
・Upload the certificate onto your device, so you are able to produce a valid electronic certificate upon entry.
・Bring said certificate and a proof of identity with you to the event.
・Wear a mask until the certificate is controlled by our staff.
Thank you all in advance for following the rules. ❤︎