Lade Events
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Spiritual Sundaze

28. Oktober 2018 · ab 14:00

Line-Up: FreeJ Rumi, Vanessa, Jaguar on the Moon

Guided by the vibrations of sound, we invite you to dive in a space of freedom where families and friends gather to feel the sweetness of Sundaze;

Come into a space to gratefully look back and let go of a month filled with life’s ups and downs; a space to gently prepare for the unknown surprises of the next month, by setting intentions in a positive and peaceful state of mind; a space to finally lean back and observe the very present moment, letting the sun shine from within and fully embrace the Sundaze feeling.

Join us and let yourself be treated by wonder fairies which will hold this creative, playful and relaxing space with activities and sounds for young and old.


Sound journey w/ FreeJ Rumi
Soulful music taking you on a journey of colourful imagination and beyond. Being free.

2pm-4pm * donation *
Kids yoga w/ Xheva
While you take a walk in the imaginary forest of music, leave your kids experience a journey into their own heart and spirit through playful kids-yoga.

4.30pm-5.30pm * donation *
Klangschalen-meditation w/ Vanessa (LAYA Bodywork)
Lie down and allow sound to flow through you in a one hour singing-bowl meditation.

Sound journey w/ Jaguar on the Moon
To conclude the ritual, relax into the sacred space of Lazuras electro-acoustic sounds, taking you to a level of reconnection by dissolving the boundaries between the metaphysical and our everyday reality.

“Here I am as the Moon turns new. Letting go again all I thought I knew.” Tara Isis Gerris

Info Kids-Yoga by Lis Yoga:
“Durch spannende Geschichten und fantasievolle Reisen werden die klassischen Yoga Übungen erkundet. Den Kindern wird die bewusste Wahrnehmung des eigenen Körpers, des Atems und des Geistes durch spielerische Atemübungen und Entspannungssequenzen vermittelt. Es hängt von den Bedürfnissen der Kinder ab, welche Geschichten, Meditationen und Entspannungstechniken gewählt werden. Alle Übungen sind kindgerecht, spielerisch und auf freiwilliger Basis.”

Info Klangschalen-meditation:
“Klangschalen werden seit Jahrhunderten in fernöstlichen Traditionen in spirituellen Praktiken und Ritualen eingesetzt. die besonders kraftvollen Schwingungen versetzen unsere Hirnwellen in einen langsamer schwingenden und somit in einen meditativen Zustand.�Bei der Klangschalen-meditation liegst du entspannt auf dem Rücken. Der klang verhilft dir in einen fast tranceartigen Zustand zu kommen und nimmt uns manchmal sogar mit auf Seelenreisen.“

Info Lazura:
“Lazura is a trans disciplinary ritualistic multimedia performer. In her art she explores elements of ritual, mindfulness, altered states of consciousness and transformation of energy. By reflecting the audience, a sacred space is created, where virtual visuals and actual movement merge into a community-creating ritual. She is a spiritual and avant-garde artist, who brings her intuitive, often improvised and ritualized performances with conviction.”


Neugasse 56
Zürich, 8005 Schweiz
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